Andrew's a good man. Lo es desde que lo conozco and I presume que siempre lo ha sido. Escritor, jornalista, mee media GURU & pick up line destroyer, work pal (yeah mate, DoorBells are in progress), fotógrafo, o mais interessante aficionado de los vídeojogos that I know, Flintoff impersonator, cool stuff addict y one of most inspiring persons que alguma vez conheci. At the tender age of dieciocho he aterrizó at el mítico airport de Kai Tak Int'l Airport, em Hong Kong, to spend un año trabajando. Since then he no ha parado. De Leeds a Londres, from there to Barcelona, where he helped to sort who's (Le)Cool and who's modernillo y from there to Madrid, the capital of the império y de los montaditos de jamón. Entretanto, he managed to get a PostGrado en Advanced Sub-Editing en el LCP, write para Wired, The Guardian, The Times, Mute, and The Big Issue. He worked to unas quantas plays, contribuiu para uns quantos books, edited a number of bien cool revistas y livros, smoked some fine puros en Cuba, traveled his fair bit, seen algunos matchs de Rugby, ganhou unos quantos prémios (de los good ones… D&AD if ya have heard of it tio!), runned la maratona de Firenze, continuou to write so fine pieces, drank his fair share of pints and listened to his amigos quando was needed. Oh, I heard that he és famoso at Luxemburgo too!
Bueno, Andrew estrena su WorkPlay mañana in Madrid. It will be good, lo sé. Si hasta the poster is great! Go and see it. Y después não se queixem that you haven't been warned!
I'll be there and so will Andrew, my friend, a good friend and a top man.
Glad to hear that the doorbells are in progress :)
Looking forward to seeing ya here.
Was great to see ya too.
Great great text. Well done Sir, well done indeed. Oh and loved the monologue! Poderoso!
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